Why can't the kids who have finished leave and the others stay longer?

Here in my state there are from 900 to 1100 elementary school students trying to get through the line and sit and eat. At my son's school the entire school gets free breakfast and free lunch so just about everyone (other than a random few who bring food from home because they want to) goes through the line. There is no time nor room in the cafeteria for shenanigans like letting someone stay a few minutes longer to eat or talk instead of eating. In fact, my son's elementary school is so worried about test scores they have instruction during lunch for some of the grades (on TV's around the cafeteria they have vocabulary on some days and on other days the kids have to read, my son likes to read but he would rather talk). INSANE.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary