I think part of it could simply be her age - all three of my kids (with varied levels of ability) went through similar things, and I've seen it happen with so many of my friends children in early elementary (especially with the emphasis on "show your work" that seems to be everywhere in our local early elementary schools). For my ds and my older dd, there was a significant spike in development of the "non-lazy" skills when they hit 6th grade - although work demands were going up in school at that point in time, I really think a lot of it had to do with a developmental phase they went through too.

I also remember when I had some worries about things like this when my oldest (ds) was in K-1, and his teacher (who had over 20 years experience with elementary school teaching) said that it had been her experience that these types of skills don't really start to emerge until around 3rd grade (for typical age non-grade skipped kids).

Best wishes,
