How do you go with the stuff you do at home Kazzle? I dip in and out of insisting she do some 'after schooling' on the basis she doesn't allow much challenge at school. On the one hand I want her to experience the satisfaction of giving something a go - and on the other hand, for us - because she really isn't very interested in anything other than books (which she inhales), I feel it is so parent led (and often involves extreme irritation on dd's part that she is being asked to do school type work out of school). Which doesn't seem productive or conducive to enjoying learning either. Sigh ...

We've tried all kinds of extracurricular stuff - music, martial arts, various sports etc all directed by her. But she looses interest and while she'll practice she does it so half heartedly she might as well not bother. To insist she do it properly results in a stand off that can be somewhat prolonged ... She'll do it eventually but by the end we're both so emotionally exhausted that I struggle to see the value in it (beyond gaining a deep understanding of the limits of each other's stubbornness!)

I make it sound like we're at constant logger heads - we're not at all, this is just an area where I feel so uncertain how much to push (and I have a little voice taunting me with 'hothousing parent' ringing in my ears) that I suspect my approach is too haphazard to be very effective!