I strongly suspect HowlerKarma's right here, and the follow-up would be: ask her as openly as you can what she means by liking learning more than knowing. How does she feel when she's learning, and can she describe a specific time when she was learning, as illustration? I bet (ok, not much :-) that her picture of learning is more like drinking in information that is interesting and new than like struggling with a task she can't do at first but eventually manages.

One thing I do as systematically as I can is to emphasise that the most efficient learning is often happening when things are almost too hard, and that that's when you start off thinking they're too hard, and only find you can succeed by working hard. If you know immediately that you're going to be able to do a thing, it's typically a sign that you aren't going to learn much by doing it.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 02/06/13 10:11 AM.

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