hi, i just popped on! saw this reply,
wanted to clarify that it was soley for purpose of cont to receive speech, that we did "independent study" thru district, vs homeschool.
the other plus is curric is free!
and he is allowed to participate in his homeschool activities etc if wans to.
and--- he can get a full IQ work up thru the school smile

if doing straight homeschool (i could as filed affidavit) he wouldn't rec any of that.

trade off of mtg with teacher 1hr/wk is not horrible.
since i am working at my DS pace, it all good!
mostly ;)~

oh- re speech- my DS speech excellent- it really is all about the pragmatics at this point smile "social speak" i call it smile
*sounds like you have formulated great plan for your guy!

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller