If we had been able to get a dx for our DS10 in time, I would definitely have used the special needs preschool. We did not have that option, but I wish we had.

Our therapy team has strongly advocated keeping DS in public school; at one point I looked at all other options, including homeschooling, but for a kid with AS who really needs tons of practice to learn what's expected of him in public settings, a public school with good support truly is the best place to be.

DS learned no really significant academic content for about the first three years, but he learned a TON about what was expected of him in behavior, group settings, and managing relationships with peers. It was not always pretty. But now I see him functioning well and with increasing independence at school and in other public places and I know we did the right thing. He will actually be able to hold a job (which I really doubted when he was younger), largely because he now understands how to accept instruction, work in a team, and be resilient when things get challenging.

For us, this was the right course, and we are starting to see the rewards.