I went to a Tony Attwood all day seminar last year and he was asked about homeschooling, his response is that in most cases he thinks kids with Aspergers can do ok in primary school (k-6 or k-7 here, depending on state) and it is to their benefit to go, but if your child is not coping by all means consider homeschooling, particularly in early highschool (7-9 or 10), when the "normal" children are little animals (his words not mine). He was not talking specifically about gifted children but he was very clearly talking about very high functioning children.

He also strongly advised dropping your child off and picking them up if there was any risk of bullying while getting too and from school.

That said I would like to gently suggest that the fact that he works well with you but not other people is a part of his diagnosis, and one that most definitely needs to be (gently) worked on.