I had to cut my previous comment short so here's the rest ...

it drives me crazy to see how they approach him in therapy (with the exception of one therapist who seems to really get him). Especially speech therapy ... they treat him like a low functioning 2 year old in an almost 3 year old body and that's why I think he gets so frustrated. I tried to convince the therapist to use his skills that he already has. Why keep pushing him to say "blow bubbles" so the therapist would blow bubbles for him ... he's a very visual learner. The kid can read a lot of words ... WRITE down for him "blow bubbles" and he'll read it and use it with no problem! She keeps pushing and pushing and he can be approach so much easier if you use his strengths!

A lot of reading I've done talks about play therapy. Join him in his play rather than constantly keep trying to get him to join you. He gets frustrated when he's treated like he has no brain.

So, as I said before, we'll probably give the preschool a shot but if we see him being more unhappy and frustrated, we will pull back and work with him at home.

For the first time EVER today he actually let me read a book to him ... and he enjoyed it! Just kicking back and relaxing while I was reading. Something I didn't think would ever happen. ... one of those things where I really see we're making progress! smile