Two of my kids have been diagnosed with attention issues. Through learning about them, I have come to the realization that I have probably suffered from undiagnosed ADD all my life. At some point, I would like to try medication for myself. There are some non-medical interventions that can offset the problems, but they are not completely effective. Exercise helps, as well as very overt visual reminders. I have trouble with organizational challenges, forgetting things (like this week I forgot to take son to his play rehearsal) and following through. I am great at creative thinking and eager to join and get things rolling with new groups, but I have trouble sustaining that interest, no matter how much I want to. Things slip out of my head. I left my poor mother's helper sitting on the porch for an hour one day because I forgot she was coming! I had a palm pilot to assist me with keeping a calendar and to-do list, but I kept forgetting to replace the batteries and losign all my data.

People with ADD absolutely have the ability to focus. It just isn't something we can easily control. I used to be so embarrassed that my kids could not sit still or be quiet in church. They stayed in the baby room long after they should have been out of it, because they were so impulsive and wiggly.