But, all in all, I'm worried for your son who is being pressured to conform as a prerequisite to being allowed to learn-- and in reality he isn't going to be offered much academic learning so it's a rotten carrot being held out. As in: Conform first, and then we'll be able to see what you know and we'll realize we have nothing to teach you.

This is a really great set of observations.

Once a situation devolves into this scenario with a teacher, we've learned that authentic learning is no longer on the table for our daughter. The problem is that, now 13, she knows it as well. Not much of an incentive to be compliant, and she's become rather cynical that we (meaning parents, school, teachers) all continued to LIE to her about it 'getting better' throughout school. "It'll be different in middle school."

"It will be better in high school."

That's a pitfall to avoid if you can-- don't promise what you can't really deliver.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.