As an example, they were "learning" how to multiply and the book had a confusing example that used blocks to show 17*3. DD came up with 51 almost instantly, but struggled to see how they'd arranged the 51 blocks. They didn't make 3 chunks of 17; they drew rows of ten, five, and two and separated them all in way that they made them look like random rows.

Groan. Oh, you're preaching to the choir. This is homework with my DD every night. "It's 51! I don't understand this other stuff." "You have to draw all these blocks, I guess. In...rows of tens and fives? Looks like it. Then you add the twos or something? No, the ones." "I hate this, mama."

Speaking of word problems, I will say that DD also does a set of enrichment word problems from another curriculum every week and has no problem with them. What's more, she enjoys them and flies through them. These are more along the line of logic problem/brain teaser math problems. They appear to actually have been $%^#@#$@!!! proofread/tested by humans as well.