Val, I haven't had time to read all the responses, but fwiw I'd probably do a four-pronged approach in collecting data to show your dd's true level of abilty: I'd start with a test trial of ALEKS (which used to be no charge for a few weeks) and have her do the assessments for the end of her current grade level and 1-2 (up to whatever) grade levels higher and keep a copy of the reports. The upside to the ALEKS assessment is that it's tied to curriculum standards by state - so you can show exactly where your dd is at relative to your local grade level expectations.

I'd also have your dd take EXPLORE (or other talent search test depending on what's available where you live) - that will give you an above-grade-level assessment and a percentile reporting relative to grade level.

I'd have her work through the types of word problems at home that her teacher seems so concerned about so that you can take that as proof she is capable of doing them.

And lastly, I'd let her keep working after school on whatever math problems or program she enjoys and take copies of that work in as proof of her abilities as well as her motivation.
