The neuropsych report on DD8 was not too bad for me, but I know exactly what you felt from the OT report on sensory processing issues for both kids.

Yeah, this for us too. Just got a new one yesterday for DS7 and he's still below .5% on fine motor. Oh how I wish it would get better.

Ah yes, the mommy guilt. As DH and I sat reading separate copies of the report he said he went through each section saying "OK, I had this too. I didn't have any help with it and I got through school. HOW did I adjust to it?"

Some days I think the mommy guilt is nigh overwhelming. Cyber hugs to others who feel that way too, it's horrible.
My dh somehow manages to get through it without the crushing guilt, with a similar "I had this too and got through it."

Last edited by mgl; 09/25/12 10:08 AM.