We received the neuropsych's written report today. Even though we were already familiar with the information it contains there is just something about seeing it all in black and white. With scores ranging from 99th+ percentile to below 1st percentile it really just defines 2E. I couldn't read it in one sitting - I had to keep putting it down. It felt like I was being punched in the stomach seeing JUST how tough a road DD has in front of her. There are so many challenges. In so many areas. I can't wrap my head around how this is going to work.

Has anyone else experienced this? Intellectually I know that I have already done the hardest part - getting her identified and tested and now having the school (finally) on track in trying to meet her needs. I have to just use these test results as a road map to make sure that her needs are being met in the best way possible. I just feel so awful for her - she is so sweet and so smart and such a special little person. How do you get over the feeling of Why Her? This is so unfair - she doesn't deserve it?

Looking for some BTDT words of wisdom...

Last edited by Pemberley; 09/21/12 08:37 AM.