So far, I found common core to be a step backwards for the gifted track in both middle and elementary. This track will do all of the same things as the regular track so all children can be on the "common core." A year focusing on pronouns seems extreme for sixth grade. Wow, I must have missed all of that instruction growing up.

They've cut the literature down to make room for short non-fiction pieces, as defined in the "common core." I'm not impressed at all. Rigor is subjective. Maybe common core is an improvement for some in failing or dismal school systems, but I'm not seeing it for my children. I see it as the new fad - it will go the way of mullets and blue tuxedos (no offense to those with mullets - just blue tuxedos). Unfortunately, we will have to suffer through it first. I feel sorry for the teachers implementing this new fad. Meh, maybe I'll be surprised by the rigor part-way through the year - maybe when they get to "it" or "they" the curriculum will really take off.