Originally Posted by master of none
And the science class is like night and day from last year to this year (I have one in 6th and one in 7th so comparison is easy). Much less of: here's the information and lets explore it as we learn it, and much more of: Have you noticed this about the world? Why do you think that is? What do you think is in the atmosphere?
They still have to learn the same vocabulary, and do the same labs, but it's coming as part of the discovery. I'll never forget last year when my DS said "they give us all these safety rules and get us all excited that we will do something, and then our lab is to look at and describe a rock." He was so disappointed! But this year, it's "what is the earth made of? What can this rock tell you about the earth and what characteristics of this rock are important to your understanding?" Same lab, much different approach.

I'm interested to know if this change in approach is happening everywhere or just here as we implement Common Core.

Our science classes have always been taught that way, and our school district just agreed to implement Common Core last spring - so it's no where near being rolled out to actual classrooms. I'm wondering if the difference you've seen is really CC, or is it a difference in a marginal vs good science teacher?
