This is the first year for CC in our district too. I don't have much to compare it too--we came in March from a Montessori school and dd11 finished 5th grade here, which was not challenging, and has skipped to 7th. My impression is that for the advanced content classes, it really hasn't changed that much. I think the teachers were already approaching their subjects this way. The only real difference seems to be math, but I believe HS math already goes through MV calc. and AP statistics, and I suspect if a kid was beyond that they would be open to some kind of independent study or something. My dd is in the 3rd level (out of 4) of math so as long as she does well this year she will take algebra in 8th.

For dd5, the change in kindergarten is no more centers (?). I don't know exactly what that looked like last year, but parents are bummed because apparently during center time they had parent volunteers to facilitate and because of CC they aren't doing that anymore, so parents don't get as many opportunities in the classroom. I am biding my time to ask about what assesments they have done and how they are differentiating. Dd seems happy so far, and seems to actually be learning some new things.