Originally Posted by JonLaw
In college, I was invited to a D&D game.


Apparently, I was supposed to take it a little more seriously than I did.

They didn't like when I slowed their progress by attacking the (previously inert) local flora and fauna, getting myself seriously injured in the process. I also made apparently racist comments to the dark elf.

I guess if you're supposed to be serious, I was always doing it wrong. As players we were usually united in purpose, but our primary purpose was annoying the DM. Doing the bizarre was our normal operating mode. The DM would respond to the ruin of his scripted narrative by trying to kill us. Most times the games devolved into shouting matches, and a good time was had by all.

As a follow-up to my previous post, I did speak to my DD and her friend about playing, and they're pretty fired up about the idea, and I've begun the process of acquiring the necessary materials. In the interests of helping them flesh out a fuller party, I've proposed creating a warrior character of my own to tag along with them. But because it wouldn't do for me to unduly influence their side of the story, the character will be of sufficiently-impaired intellect that, among other things, he would be likely to attack inert flora and fauna. Or rather, he would be unlikely to attack aggressive flora and fauna if nobody told him to.