Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Interesting re-awakening of this thread... made it out to the local card store on Sunday. Very nice facility; we were looking at Yu-Gi-Oh, but they discontinued it in the store due to some issues between older and younger kids and unfair trading. DS6 started excitedly rattling off all the rules he read/watched videos for it last week. The owner mentioned a new game Kaijudo that is starting up; so, we'll try that. He said if he could find a handful more of kids as enthusiastic as my DS he could put together a good group. No telling if DS will stay that motivated will cross my fingers for next Saturday.

It's always fun and interesting to try new games. I'd caution you though on spending much money on one until it gathers a pretty good following in your area. Strategy games come and go like the breeze. There are only a couple of TCGs for instance that have stood the test of time, namely, Magic the Gathering (MtG) Yu-Gi-Oh! (YGO) and Pokemon. Even Pokemon not that long ago was bought out by a different company and all prior cards deemed illegal for tournament play. Even among those games, card prices go up and down like a roller coaster...so never consider them an investment. Don't spend more on them than you can afford to lose.