Originally Posted by bronalex
They made some recommendations like having him use his finger to read so he stays focused (but I haven't really noticed him having a problem focusing while reading???) or using a "window overlay" to block out other stimuli while working on a visual tasks.

This is exactly what my DS needs and was recommended. I had no idea he was losing his place all of the time. I had no idea he had so many problems focusing his eyes... I had a feeling something was off with this vision but wasn't sure (his cross eyes is not physically obvious b/c it's intermittent). Then at the WISC (I got to observe the entire tests) I could tell there was somethign really wrong with how he sees (and I though he either has an LD or a vision disorder) but I had no idea he was losing his place so much and had so many problems actually focusng his eyes.

I know you mentioned in another post that you had surgery on your son's eyes. Are you sure that the it corrected the strsabismus completely? Have you had the NPC tests and all that again? From what I have learned in my research, my understanding is that the surgery is very often not a complete success and that often times the eyes appear to be corrected and looking staright but that there are still focusing issues, movement issues, etc. and vision therapy is still needed after the surgery. Also, I have heard that more than one surgery is often neeeded. All of this is just what I have been finding out researching how we want to proceed with treating DS' strasbismus so I am no expert by any mean s but just some thoughts.... My DS is doing VT now but I am still exploring getting surgery done.