I am reluctant to dive into him being 2E just yet - the tester was a graduate student and they don't specialize in gifted kids at this university. They only recommended being reevaluated in 2 years and in the meantime, make sure to involve him in more social activities outside of school (I really want to find more gifted kids but I'm not sure where to find them...) or other academic activities outside of school.

They made some recommendations like having him use his finger to read so he stays focused (but I haven't really noticed him having a problem focusing while reading???) or using a "window overlay" to block out other stimuli while working on a visual tasks.

They also said he needs a daily schedule with an organized school routine (they do this in his elementary Montessori room - school just started last week).

I'm not sure if waiting two years to find out for sure if he has ADHD is good advice? I think we need to find someone who knows about these kids.

If we decided to try for YS, I wouldn't have used the WISC scores but unfortunately, both test results are presented in a single report so they would see them both anyway.

Edit: Is there somewhere online where I can calculate the composite scores myself? I'd like to know what they are anyway.

Last edited by bronalex; 09/06/12 06:09 AM.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT