These scores (and responding posts) are so interesting to me because your son's scores are VERY similar to my DS' scores. Interestingly, it sounds like both of our guys also have visual issues. I have come to believe my child is indeed "twice-excpetional" - his disabilities are benign congenial hypotonia (relatively mild- I'd say mild-moderate), vison disability (intermittent convergent strasbismus) and anxiety NOS diagnosis (very likely the result of a gifted mind trappped inside an inadequate body). I am hoping once he completes his vision therapy and has more occupational therapies his WISCs scores will be somewhat more accurate.

It is a hard road.... Getting accomodateions for both the diabilities and giftedness are hard. I feel like the focus is mostly on the disabilities and deficits and the idea is that if we keep working on that his giftedness will be fine...