Thanks everyone for your advice. What is the intervention strategy like for a young student with dyslexia or dysgraphia? I know from our visit with the K teacher/school director (same person) last month that they start keyboarding in K and all students are encouraged to become comfortable doing school work using computers. For example, spelling tests are given individually and I think the student chooses if they write or type. Handwriting seems to be treated like a separate subject.
I've read about some of the learning to read strategies for visual spatial learners. Are they similar for dyslexics?
Is it something our OT could help with? She works at the school too. Basically I am wondering if we could do some of the intervention strategies either at home or school without a diagnosis. Would the intervention strategy harm or confuse a non-dyslexic if it is in fact just his age?
I am not against the idea of getting an assessment for it. We just happen to live near the Eides' Neurolearning Clinic and if we get an assessment, I would like to try to go there. I think the earliest he could be seen is in March.

Last edited by KJP; 08/12/12 12:28 AM.