Originally Posted by ABQMom
I was challenging him on his so-called business plan when I heard a man mutter to his wife, "Sheesh. Some people can't even let their kids be kids. That's ridiculous."

I didn't try to correct him but just ignored the comment and wandered to the next aisle with my son. I would have been more sensitive at one time, but not anymore. I have "weird" kids by some people's standards, but I'm not out there trying to make them little entrepreneurs or geniuses. I am simply letting them express who they are with the belief that it is ok to be themselves.


Totally agree abqmom! What I find so amazing about people like this is their incredibly narrow definition of what it means to be a kid - my kid is being who he is as is yours.. Then these are the same people who celebrate entrepreneurs like Gates or Jobs. As if you just start being that person after you turn 18!!!
