hmm, guy at corner table writing his thesis... maybe I should pick coffee shops differently... we used to spend more time on campus, I wonder if we'd have better luck at our old coffee shop downtown?

DeHe: The bit about giving the impression that what we do at home is not ok in public... I think that might be the core of my concern. I think I'm not sure if what we do at home is appropriate in public. I think I want it to be appropriate, so I like all the responses that say "ignore 'em." I think, at the end of the day, I'm just not totally sure how private one's personal characteristics are, I guess. Which kinda slips into the "I'm REALLY smart" thread... eek. Should I be teaching my sons that blatant displays of otherness are appropriate in public, or should I be teaching them that such displays should be toned down? Everyone, I think, puts some effort into conforming while in public, more than they do at home. It's a quesion of where the limits are... hmmm

Why does this stuff alwasy turn out to be about me not him?

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!