DS has just jumped another level in the books he likes to have read to him. It's getting noticable enough that people no longer tease me about "not having the right book on hand" and are now just obviously shocked, and often kinda beligerant about it.

It's been a while since I took him to a coffee shop with a pile of books, which used to be a favourite activity. It's mostly because I'm embarrased to field the comments and questions, but also because the interruptions can be problematic (halfway though a sentance is not cool, Mrs. general public).

I've also mostly stopped reading to him on busses, which is a huge problem, because we get a tantrum almost everytime if we don't.

Any great ideas? I think his overall behavior is much worse when we don't get to do the coffee shop thing.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!