I was considering pulling my son from public school at the end of grade 1 because his impulsiveness was getting him in trouble socially and I was worried it would cause damage for him that would be hard to undo... meanwhile if I homeschooled him for a year or two and gave him time to mature, for his judgement to catch up to his intellect, etc, he'd have a better chance at not alienating the other kids... anyway, his grade 1 teacher talked me out of it, saying she felt like they were making progress with him and the future grade 2 teacher had plans in place for him. I left him in the school and haven't regretted it.

That being said, I think our situation is different (i.e. really small school, different issues, etc.) In your case I'm inclined to agree with the previous posters in that moving your DD might help her.

It's a tough choice... good luck - I hope it works out smile