Yep, I just had an "art class" moment with a friend at swimming lessons. Her DD5 and my DS5 are friends from preschool and were excited to be in the same swim class. However, the first day of class her DD5 became instantly overwhelmed, cried and refused to participate. My friend was furious because she felt her DD was being defiant. As an outsider (it's easier to be more reasonable with someone else's kids :)), I suggested DD was overwhelmed to the point of shut-down, which is defiant as a means of self-preservation. I suggested it would be a success even if her DD only set with her feet in and watched. Luckily, the next session was much easier with her DD...and we just hot home from lessons where she's thriving!

Your DS may need to observe classes before participating, even for many sessions . The workbook you ordered is great, as is the book it's based upon by Howard Glasser. I thinks it will help take a new approach with DS' scting out. Don't blame yourself can be truly awesome and horrifically terrible all independent of their parents.