
Thanks for the response. The comments about being guarded are right on.

DD is 3y 5m. My original thought with preschool was that if I put her with kids who seemed closer to her age she would do ok, but after this preschool experiment I am not so sure.

The public school is not being very helpful, and I have concerns about the quality of the curiculum. I thought mabe if she went early she would not be so bored.

I did some research on other schools in the area and found a really good one about 10 min from our house. This is also a public school but they have open enrollment. This school seems very flexible and has alot of the programs I have come across while looking for information regarding what to do for DD. I would feel confident sending her there at her normal time when she would be 5 almost 6. I am going to contact them next week and ask some questions.