Hi skyward

My DS is two years old and has started asking questions and saying things that just seem so out of left field for a 2 year old. For example, yesterday we were looking at a photo album that his daycare lady gave us filled with pictures of all the kids in her care. There was one photo of the kids riding on the hay ride at the pumpkin patch. DS looked at it and said, "oh this was at the pumpkin patch. It was a blustery day, the leaves were blowing everywhere."

Blustery, REALLY??? I think he probably picked it up from one of his Thomas the Train movies, but still to put it into context like that, WHAT!!!

He is really into trains and wants to know what every part of every car is called and what it does. Finally I had to go to the library to check out a book about trains because I had no idea how to answer his questions.

Originally Posted by skyward
I am just amazed because I did'nt know she could do these things. I don't understand one minute I will be trying to get her to count 20 easter eggs and she gets to about 12 and then rushes and ends up with the wrong number and runs off to do something else. So I think mabe she is still learning her numbers. Then she will turn around and do something like this where she did 7 pages of addition and I think well she certainly can count then. Is this normal?

I am on the same page as you here. The other day DS was able to recognize all of his letters when we were at the children's museum. The next day I was telling my mom about it and trying to get him to "perform" for her and he didn't get a single one right. So yes, I think that is pretty normal. Best of luck with you DD, she sounds lovely!