Thank you again for the advice. I went to target and let my daughter pick out some work books. I let her get the ones she wanted and did'nt pay attention to the ages suggested. She picked one on addition and a book of mazes. When we got home she finished half of the addition work book while I was making dinner. She also loves the mazes and can do these with out alot of effort. It took her about five seconds to do one maze. The maze book said it was for 4,5 and 6 year olds, and the addition book was for k-1st graders. I am just amazed because I did'nt know she could do these things. I don't understand one minute I will be trying to get her to count 20 easter eggs and she gets to about 12 and then rushes and ends up with the wrong number and runs off to do something else. So I think mabe she is still learning her numbers. Then she will turn around and do something like this where she did 7 pages of addition and I think well she certainly can count then. Is this normal? How do I know if she is gifted or not, and how would the school know. Also are some of the work books easier than the ages listed say. I know she is an unusual child because the conversations we have are just not the things a three year old would discuss. She came to me yesterday and told me dinosuars are terrible lizzards and that only the carnivors are mean because they eat meat. She said it was wrong that they ate other dinosars, and asked why we eat meat and asked if dinosars eat dinosars why we don't eat people. I get alot of questions that seem unusual. Also when she was two it took me months to explain the questions she had after watching the movie Annie. She also memorized all the songs in the movie and sangs them for us. This was really funny in the store when she was 2 and she would ask me to buy her something specific and when I said no she would sing its a hard enough life. Any one else out there getting unsual questions. I am going to the library today to get some books on gifted children, and I am going to get her some harder mazes and another math book. It would be great to hear form other parents who can relate.