I think Grinity gave you some wonderful, concrete ideas. I try to find a balance so my kids know "Mom means business" but not so ultra-controlling that they can't be silly/fun/creative/adventurous kids. But running off without permission is just dangerous...and I'm more strict about safety issues than, say, table manners.

What I tell my clients is to teach an issue before if it is forseen or after to re-teach, discuss or even debate...but during a conflict: what mom or dad says goes. If you argue/debate with them when they're angry they will either not listen entirely or discount your valid points due to their anger. It will also teach them to get into a heated debate with you anytime they are upset as a diversion or just to tick you off.

It sounds like you had a good debrief with your DS after the incident, and you're trying to check yourself. Gifted kids are goooooood at making compelling arguments, but rules don't always have to make sense...or be agreeable. But as parents we do them a huge injustice if we raise our kids to abide only by the rules they find fitting.

Last edited by Evemomma; 06/13/12 02:42 PM.