Is that now the complete DSM for ASD? That is, that's it now, in total? All previous criteria are thrown out? Interesting. I wonder how practitioners are going to react to this change on the ground?

It's interesting that restricted interests are no longer considered necessary. My DD has never had this and it's always been a point of hesitation for me, since it's generally considered such a major feature of ASDs. She does really like birdwatching, but she would never talk about birds to people who are not interested in them--in fact, she deliberately conceals the hobby at school because she's aware it's a little odd. She also goes days without talking about them or birdwatching.

I have read some stuff saying girls with ASDs are different and that things like "reading" or "art" may be their obsessive interest...but come on. I just don't know that we could consider a gifted girl who loves to read to have an obsessive interest in reading that counts as an ASD trait.

Last edited by ultramarina; 06/06/12 08:42 AM.