Big sigh...

DD just told us that the teacher "told me I was looking away but I have no idea what she was talking about." She said no to all questions about tingling and auras. She also doesn't remember anything that would match up to the episode the speech therapist noted a bit later. As far as she is concerned she was just sitting there doing her work - no looking away, no pointing to the word without writing it, no problem gripping her pencil, etc that were included in the more detailed report they sent me. I sent an email to the SW asking for details - i.e. was she animated or did she appear to be daydreaming, did she seem confused, did she snap out of it or come out of it gently, etc. Any other questions you recommend I ask before I call the neurologist about it?

Interesting link, Aculady, although a bit discouraging. The book costs $200 but a few colleges in the area have access to it electronically.

This forum is SO helpful. There is no way I could have gotten half of this done without input from all of you. You have my eternal thanks!