I want to send a {big hug} to everyone on this ride. It is so nice to have others here who can relate.

I'm feeling a bit more empowered now that we have a phone consult scheduled with Dr. Beljan. I guess I have to remind myself to keep moving forward. Keeping with the rollercoaster analogy you have to work to move up but the down portion is just a freefall. When you get to the bottom I guess you have to start cranking on those gears to get back up again. (I haven't quite figured out about those momentum induced loop-de-loops though...)

DD had another "piercing headache" on Friday and I can't figure out a pattern. The first day she told me about it after school but didn't say anything in school about it. The next 3 days she went to the nurse. By Friday they just sent her back to class and sent me a note suggesting a visit to a neurologist about it. She was fine after school each time so I think it is definitely something related to stress. DH and I both get migraines from fluorescent lights, certain patterns, loud noises, etc so maybe it's something environmental, though. She had a very thorough eye exam with a pediatric ophthalmologist in September. "This is the best set of eyes I've seen all year." We have a parent-teacher conference on Tuesday so I guess we'll discuss then.

One thing she did mention bothering her - apparently her "take out teacher" is a yeller. Has never yelled at DD but apparently yells at other kids in the resource room on a daily basis when DD is in there. I'm not sure if this is the trigger but it could certainly be a big contributor. Not sure how to approach this one. Going to classroom teacher is my first thought but don't want to put her in an awkward position (first year at the school.) Maybe the school SW who is working on the anxiety portion of the IEP? Going to the principal would likely be the most effective but would also probably alienate the spec ed teacher... Any suggestions? I had been warned in advance that this teacher is very good but comes across as quite gruff and tends to be harsh with the boys she works with. I was told she would probably be very good with DD but since DD is so very sensitive she could be bothered by the way the boys are spoken to. Looks like that may be what's happening here.