Hi bzybly !
very interesting approach for the homework, not that far from what we are trying to do ... But reading twice your post, I realized a huge difference. When he is fussing or so, we tell him that he is losing the time we give him to do his homework, not his own time.... I exchange on this purpose late yesterday evening and I think we will try your approach. Indeed, he is so in the present time.
At the present time, we are working on the basis of 10 minutes working/5minutes recess. Depending on how efficient is, he can watch TV (mainly a documentary or a cartoon) for 10 to 25 minutes. It is the only way he can watch TV at home, that is the homework specific reward. This works quite a bit since he works but this work is so "grinded" (in small pieces) and we have to fight so hard to make him come to his chair, take a pencils .... In fact, you tell that when your DD completed something she has 5minutes break, but DS almost never come to the point he finally completed what the teacher asked him for.

Wouldn't you mind being more precise about the "pie chart" thing, because I do not understand what your daughter has to do with that (althought I know what a pie chart is) ? It sounds interesting because one of the big challenge with my son is indeed getting him out of his own time sequences.


Grinity : I sent you a PM.

Sorry for the English !