Originally Posted by polarbear

I unfortunately don't have time to read thoroughly all the replies since your last reply or to put together a well-thought out response at the moment, but I wanted to let you know that many of us here no doubt understand all too well how difficult life must be right now for your son, as well as for you. Although my ds does not have ADHD, he has a similar (although not quite as large) split between Processing Speed and the other portions of the WISC. Back when he was the age of your ds and we were just finding out what his challenges were life was just absolutely the pits at times - school was a mess, our son was beyond frustrated and anxious, and we (parents) were clueless. Although I can't help read enough at the moment to help with specific advice, I wanted to let you know - once you get past those first years of figuring out what's up, learning all you can about your child's challenges, and then advocating to get him what he needs at school - life really really does get much better. It's still very different than it would have been raising a neurotypical child, but you'll get back some of what seems lost right now.

Back in your original post you asked the question, how can you help raise your son's self-esteem - so for today, I'll go back to just answering that question. While you keep trying your best to understand his challenges, be sure to take time just to be with him, to read to him, to have fun playing with him - anything he loves to do.


Thank you polarbear. We have to believe in better future for our son (and for us too), and what you said help us.

Sorry for the English !