My child does take longer than others to switch gears because she is absorbed, but she is also not naturally organized like yours. She knows exactly where everything is etc., it just looks chaotic to the left-brained eye.

If the teacher knows this about your daughter doing this at the end of the day, can't she make the simple fix of giving her a little heads up? That seems reasonable. It doesn't cost anything and could be done discreetly.

If the teacher is throwing those diagnosis words at you, I think it's very inappropriate. If your daughter has particular habits or something in the classroom that is legitimately distrupting the class or is of concern, she should tell you what those things are, not attach a diagnosis to it.

If the teacher can't back up what words she's throwing out at you with legitimate behaviors that you can start to talk about or investigate, she should not say anything.

Maybe someone else can give you better advice, that you should just ignore the teacher, complain or what...