Originally Posted by ultramarina
Okay, maybe we all need to go on a trip together! smile This is actually a trait I really love in DD. She also is pretty much always willing to go anywhere and try anything, at any time. Her new thing is to want to try something she's never eaten before whenever we eat out. (At just-8, she now seems to be turning into the foodie I always suspected she had potential to be.)

Our DD was about 8mos old when DW enrolled in cooking school, so some of her earliest exposures to food involved things like mushroom risotto. DW would come home from school with her "classwork" in bins, and DD would earnestly greet her with, "Momma... NUM-NUM!!" She tried anything and everything.

So we figured she'd always be an adventurous foodie... imagine our surprise when she went through the typical picky phase around 2-6. I couldn't believe a child existed who would refuse to try caramel. Still, at least her picky phase was a lot better than most, since we'd already exposed her to a fairly large variety of foods. We have a neighbor whose kid only eats hot dogs, pizza, and chicken nuggets.

DD just turned 7, and she's showing signs of being completely over her picky phase. DW remarked that she never had to make a separate dinner for DD last week, and the one time we ate at a restaurant last week, she independently decided to taste my dish.