Originally Posted by bzylzy
Somebody has to have a long attention span...seriously!

There is a boy in my daughter's class with a "special ed" designation. He loves to hug but is only supposed to hang on until the count of 3. I saw him do this to my daughter and the teacher counted and after 3 he didn't let go and the teacher gave him his warning. He didn't let go. My daughter then hugged him harder and said, very politely but firmly, to the teacher (with her dagger eyes) "he can stop the hug when he is ready to stop the hug". Though technically she defied the teacher, if her classmate needed to "feel the love" (school can be a lonely place) and my daughter didn't mind why not? He wasn't hurting her.

In the past my daughter would have stuck up for him in some growly way, but she's not giving up her defense of what she thinks is right, she's just learning to do it with more grace and self-control. (phew)

I totally admire your daughter's big heart and think she sounds so sweet. But as the mom of a kid with Down syndrome, it would be great if the teacher or you could somehow explain the reasons behind this rule in an age appropriate way. This can be a big issue with young adults with developmental disabilities out in the world and in the work place, and while it hasn't been an issue with my son yet I think it is great if they work on teaching appropriate social skills in elementary school. I know my son would love to have a friend like her--I love the spirit behind her actions.