I wanted to add again to the original post, that you might also want to explore having your daughter's hearing and eyes checked. My daughter has the type of sensitive hearing that when it gets too noisy or echo-y it's like she can't hear anything, and she does get "left behind". We even had a bad situation last year where her teacher left her out on the very noisy playground and she was locked out of the school since she was separated from her class. This of course is 100% the teacher's issue but it's scary when this can happen to your child.

You'd have to go to an ENT or audiologist type appointment, it's not the type of thing they check quickly in school where it's pass/fail.

Also my daughter's double vision was factoring into math issues where you have to keep everything lined up just so, also adds to coordination issues all over the place. Again, school checks or even ped appt checks don't always check for convergence.

It might not be the case with your daughter but it's my thought that it's better to look into these basic "organic" issues now and deal with them or rule them out (as the case may be) rather than letting things drag on. Hope this helps.