Originally Posted by ultramarina
When we got that “she has trouble with transitions” or otherwise inflexible line with our daughter, we’d always remember what a good traveler she is. Especially air travel, you know how unpredictable that can be and we’ve had some real whoppers of trips with delays. She never showed any signs of frustration, and thought the whole thing was fun and very exciting.

This is interesting. I have a kid who often has trouble with transitions as well, but who is also a wonderful traveler. I would take her anywhere in a heartbeat.

My DS with Asperger's is a fantastic traveler as well. I have often thought that if we could just move to a new city every week, he'd do better.

This does not keep him from having trouble with other kinds of transitions, however. Being pulled away from something he's in the middle of is very hard for him. Or a disruption in the plan of the school day-- sometimes he handles it, sometimes it disappoints him too far and he is upset by it.
