I'm crazy tired so forgive me if my post isn't highly coherent. I did want to say, though, that my dds are right on the other side of our K cut (one actually didn't make it in the district she's in but CO has weird rules where different districts have different cuts and we started her in a different district to get around that).

That aside, both of my girls' pre-K teachers told me to hold them out b/c they would be too young. We didn't for either one. Dd13 skipped a grade on top of starting as a younger kid and I can't imagine it having worked at all had we waited.

Re feeling bad about the repeated school changes, I had some of that as well but there are times when it can't be helped. We did three different elementaries (one of them a charter), homeschooled a little, and have done different middle schools for each of the two kids. They've both also attended school in two different districts. I never would have imagined changing schools this often but the reasons we changed were legit:

The first district's GT coordinator told me that HG kids didn't last in the ps system and I should homeschool, we had options in one school that we didn't another (subject acceleration, more GT programming, better peer group, etc.). My personal experience as a kid with constant school changes wasn't good, but my kids both seem to have been okay with it.