OK so my son will be five in October. He can't go to Kindergarten till 2013. He is reading all of my kindergartener's books she brings home from school. He adds and does multiplication problems. Counts by twos and tens. The other day he also counted by threes...I can't imagine what Kindergarten is supposed to teach him in a year and a 1/2. So, I set about to get him skipped up. The public school is glad to test him into first grade in 2013. I put him in a preschool that assured me he could go to their kindergarten next year. I feel it would be best if he did Kindergarten next year so he can get used to going to school 5 days a week, get any learning I haven't already taught him etc. The preschool changed directors since I enrolled my son, however, and when I asked today about Kindergarten, she was very short with me. She said the cut off for our school is Sept. 30th. (days before my son's bday) But I'll let him have a trial run next year for say 6 weeks to see how he does. Boys are usually not ready for this socially and even if he can read he may be behind in math. I told her to ask him what 2 X 5 is, and she said she wouldn't "go around with you on this"...While she said she would let him try, and I feel he is more than capable, I'm worried she will be waiting for him to be a normal kid make a little fuss and kick him out. I feel like she expects him to act like a 3rd grader or something. I'm thinking I'll look into another school for next year, but help me out...am I being too pushy? Should I just bite the bullet and send him to yet another year of preschool where he will go over the ABC's and numbers 1-10 again?