Intro Bio at many selective colleges uses the same textbook at AP Biology (I know because D keeps seeing it in dorm rooms as we visit colleges!). It is the Campbells book, and it is very hefty. There is a LOT of material in it. There is a huge difference between a regular (or even honors) high school bio course and a course that uses Campbells. We know this because D has taken honors Bio (AP is not offered at her high school), but has been studying Campbells for the USA Biology Olympiad test. One thing this has made clear is that she will be at a signficant disadvantage at a rigorous university if she is competing in her classes with kids who took AP science courses in high school; she will have a lot of catching up to do. Not everyone who takes AP skips the intro classes. Some because they don't get a high enough score, some because they want the easy A on their college transcript (especially those aiming for med school), and some because they just want to make sure they are solid on the material before taking the higher classes.

D is still thinking about her major and college choice, but she already intends to spend the summer before college beefing up with the intro college chem book just so she is ready for intro chem in college, since there is no AP at our high school.

I will re-iterate what I said above. Your D will need to get through those basic science courses and calc in college to major in almost any science related field. She can spend her summers and after school hours doing field work/manatee research or whatever specific area interests her, but she is going to need to get through those classes. IMHO, it is not doing her any favors for her to avoid them in high school.