Originally Posted by aculady
Originally Posted by Cricket2
The hard part of this is that she's getting very conflicting information regarding that question from different advisors at her school.

I'd rather rely more on the admissions offices at the schools she wants to attend, and on the opinions of the relevant department heads at those schools.
Thanks, that's why I had her contact some schools to get input. She's not totally sure where she wants to go at this point. UW was high on her list for some time, but an out of state school that is not private is likely to cost a lot and not have a ton of scholarships available. She's considering Stanford (we did hear back from a prof there who said physics and calc would be good but wasn't sure if she needed them). I had her contact two in-state schools as well in case she qualifies for and gets a scholarship that is given to 40 in state kids each year that covers full tuition/room & board at any in state school.

We're going to give some thought to other possible schools to contact. Duke, Stetson, and University of Oregon come to mind as possibilities.