Grinity - what you have written makes a lot of sense, especially the bit about "He believes that for every question there is an answer." That sounds like my son - to him "i dont know" isnt an answer to a question. For example Ill say he cant do something & he will ask why & my response will be because I said so but he keeps pressing me saying thats not an answer, he needs to know why he cant do something.

Ummmm examples?? OK Recently he went over a block away to play with another child even though he knows he is not to leave our front yard & he is to tell us even if he is going next door. We have told him this many times. We will be in a shop & ill tell him not to touch something & then he does it even though ive just finished the sentence telling him not to touch.

To me its like he has "brain snaps". One minute he can be really good & the next minute he is pushing boundaries or doing things he shouldnt be. There doesnt seem to be anything in particular except boredom that sets him off.

Our response really depends on the situation & how much he has been playing up. For example with the going to the friends house a block away, we spoke to him about what he did & then we took away things he loves to do - bike, cartoons etc. No yelling or anything - just an explanation about why what he did was wrong.