Jack'smom, I had a lot of anxiety about her starting the meds but this is the first time I have heard any of these particular issues related to ADHD meds - and I thought I did a lot of research! Could you point me in the right direction to find your sources? I am not at all concerned about GPA, she is extremely bright and she is doing very well in all other areas at this very rigorous school (which is why I think they are letting her stay). It is just the writing...

DeeDee, yes, I am willing to continue to keep paying, a voluntary leave of absence is not an option. She has totally blossomed since going there, she is really happy for the first time in years, she has real friends now (she explained "I really like them, they are not just the people I despise the least!!!") and she is overcoming a lot of anxiety by facing things that she would otherwise have avoided with her group of friends (positive peer pressure?).

Since writing is the only serious roadblock and the ADHD meds were the only thing I had to go on as a possible solution, I am a bit lost for how to help at this point.

I dont want to keep upping the dose or have her addicted to something terrible but I just wondered if anyone had experience with one type of ADHD meds not working but another one working fine?