Originally Posted by Nik
My DD18 is home from college and she informed me that she quit taking her meds a month ago because they stopped working. In short, my question is: is this normal? Do some ADHD meds just stop being effective or does this indicate that maybe ADHD wasn't the underlying issue after all?

Hi Nik,

That your DD is still not functioning successfully (squeaking by rather than producing adequate work) indicates that *something* should be addressed. I'd seek further help. But I think you should be aware that the PDD-NOS may affect schoolwork as much as the ADHD does-- it brings its own issues (such as perfectionism, anxiety, not caring what others think-- a slew of issues that can affect school performance). ADHD meds may not be enough to help her overcome her disabilities.

Is she in touch with the college's disabilities office, and is she getting any accommodations?

Are you willing to keep paying for college in this mode, or would you rather have her take a leave of absence, let her spend some time doing therapies and adjusting meds to reduce the severity of her symptoms, and then try again? I know she probably won't like this solution, but I think it's worth considering.

You were joking, but treating your anxiety may become necessary too-- it sounds pretty harrowing.
