Wev'e had similar issues. I didn't read all the comments, so I might be repeating.

When DD was in 1st, I would let her skip her Math drills at home, unless the drills were on paper, because she was an A student in Math.

Try to ask her why she doesn't want to do the drills. It might help for her to unload her feelings about her school day. I would try to just ask and listen without given advice, unless she askes.

At 9yrs. old, we still have some issues with drills. Sometimes, it helps to go on spelling city.com for spelling words, so she doesn't have to get them wrong infront of me. We also use an indoor trampoline to do drills. My husband had her do spelling words upside down on her bed, they laughed the blood flow made the information stick. Creativity can help, when you have the option.

I think they use up lots of patients, just dealing with their school day.

Hope this helps. Best of luck.